Memento chronicles two separate stories of Leonard, an ex-insurance investigator who can no longer build new memories, as he attempts to find the murderer of his wife, which is the last thing he remembers. One story line movies forward in time while the other tells the story backwards revealing more each time.
Silence of the lambs
Clarice Starling, a young intelligent FBI trainee, has been sent to the Batlimore state hospital for the Criminally insane to interview an inmate Dr. Hannibal – the cannibal – Lecter. A brilliant and renowned psychiatrist turned serial killer. She must match wits with Lecter to gain clues in the search for “Buffalo Bill” – an unknown psychopathic serial killer.
All of these following three films have certificates of fifteen to eighteen. Seeing as our thriller movie has content of a young girl being stalked by a older man, and content which is not suitable for young children, I would say our certificate would be round about the same as the other movies fifteen to eighteen. I would see adults watching this type of movie as it has mature themes and will be testing the audience's intelligence with the plot and they will have to have a open mind watching the movie.
Today we got into groups of three and filmed a short journey using as many different camera shots as possible. My group decided to film the journey of Joe going too the toilet. This allowed us to use many different shots such as a wide panning shot, and a worm’s eye view shot.
We began the lesson by looking at the equipment we would be using, the cameras and tripods. We had to learn how to load a tape, switch the camera to VCR or Camera mode, film footage and zoom. We also had to learn how to adjust the legs and many different parts of the tripod.
As Paige and I had used the cameras before in our GCSE media lessons, we were quite comfortable with it. We used the tripod for the wide panning shots and used a hand held technique for worms eye and close up shots. We didn’t find it particularly difficult to think of different shots to use, but learned in the process how useful tripods are. Many of the hand held shots had to be re-filmed several times because the shot was shaky or slightly out of focus.
We also faced the problem of continuity. One shot was filmed with the bags put on the grass in a certain way. We moved the bags before we realised we needed to re-do the shot. This meant we had to re-watch the footage and try and line the bags up exactly as they had been before.
We enjoyed using the cameras and coming up with different interesting shots, for example, when Joe was coming down the stairs Paige sat at the bottom step and managed to get a low angle of his feet. We also managed to get a birds eye view of Joe walking through the foyer by standing on the balcony which was above the foyer.
Overall it was quite a successful project, as it reacquainted me and Paige with the cameras and tripod, and allowed Joe to use them for the first time. Once we corrected the problems we had we managed to get the prelim finished to a level which we were satisfied with.