Tuesday 3 November 2009


Actors are also a key element to the success of a thriller film. Their acting has to be convincing, because the trick to a thriller is to make the audience feel the actors fear and tension. If the believability isn't there, the audience won't find the film half as effective.

Jennifer Connelly

Examples of Thriller films: Dark Water, Reservation Road, Waking the dead, Dark city, Blood Diamond.

I chose Jennifer Connelly for her part in the film 'Dark Water'. Even though 'Dark Water' is sometimes classed as a horror, it isn't particularly gory and is filled with many nail biting, edge of seat moments, which is why I would personally class it as a thriller with a horror sub-genre. Jennifer Connelly plays the character very well in this film, and is a particular favourite actress of mine. She has great timing and facial expressions, particularly in one of the final scenes when she is attempting to save her daughter from being drowned.

Jack Nicholson

Examples of Thriller films : The Departed, The Pledge, Blood and Wine, A Few Good Men, Batman, The Postman Always Rings Twice, The Shining.

Jack Nicholson has the skills and flexibility to pull of most roles. Whether playing the Joker, or the axe wielding caretaker in The Shining, his charismatic presence on screen steals every scene. Despite The Shining being more classed as a horror, Nicholson creates atmosphere and tension as the audience follow him on the journey to insanity.

Janet Leigh

Some Thriller films include: Psycho, Touch of Evil, The Manchurian Candidate, Act of Violence

Most famous for her role in Psycho, Janet Leigh played a range of roles during her movie career, from musicals to westerns. She went for risky roles which paid off and showed off her skills in acting, establishing her as a well known actress. She played small, yet effective roles in a several thriller films. Some of these roles include Marion Crane in 'Psycho', Eugenie Rose Chaney in the period thriller 'The Manchurian Candidate' and Susan Vargas in 'Touch of Evil'.

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