Saturday 14 November 2009

2nd Prelim task: Editing

Editing our piece was reasonably simple, with the exception that we realised we'd made several big mistakes when filming. The room we'd chosen to film in turned out to have really dodgy lighting, as we'd filmed facing a window. This took all of the brightness out of the shots and made them dark and hard to make out. To solve this, we experimented with colours, changing the footage into black and white so that we could then add a glow effect and lighten the shots. This worked quite well, and also suited the genre of a our piece and made the overall sequence more effective.

We had a problem with continuity at one point (which was my fault). When filming, I'd put my hand down on the table when I said the line 'You got the stuff?' However, the over the shoulder shot of Percy nodding showed me putting my hand down as well. We hadn't realised this when we were filming, but agreed that it was a good learning experience for our thriller openings. Other than that, our continuity editing was quite good - The footage of me pushing down the door handle and then the clip of me walking through the door was smooth and believable.

Before we started, once again me and Paige had some basic skills when editing with Final Cut Pro due to GCSE. This task definitely enhanced our skills as a group and got us comfortable with loading footage and experimenting with colours and music. We decided not to add music because it took away from what was going on in the clip. The overall prelim project was really useful, giving us a taste of who we wanted to work with and how to use the cameras and editing equipment. Here is the finished product:

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